The coach of the club

Today, I will present an important man in the effective of the Amiens SC. His name his Christophe Pélissier. He is 53 years old and he is a former football player. He arrived in the club 5 years ago to coach the team.

His first goal was to access the second division. He reaches this objective in two years. And the next season, he managed to achieve something that had never been done before in the club: access the first division. For all the supporters, this man is a genius.

I think he is a special man because with all the clubs he coached, he realized the fact of getting them up in a higher division even though the club had a very limited budget.

He has a good tactic. He brings all his players in the same direction: they must be warriors on the ground and fight for each other. Even if they haven’t all a lot of personal qualities, he thinks that if they work as together, they can win against any team.

I wanted to introduce this person because, for me, he has a very interesting coaching philosophy and manages to unite all his players around his project.

If, one day, you have the opportunity to train a team, do not hesitate to inspire you with this person.

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